Get READY! Gear UP! Game ON!!

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Summer Camp 2018 was all about gearing up for the game of life. God gives us a playbook to live our life by: The Bible. This summer, our students dove deep into the word of God to find out ways that Jesus cares about us, ways that Jesus gives us hope, how Jesus helps us believe, how Jesus loves us, and ways that Jesus gives us joy. Through these weekly Bible studies, SCM Campers learned how to be great team players for the Lord.


The teens' lessons dug deeply into the 10 commandments. The majority of the class was learning these commandments for the first time. They also discussed what it really meant to give their life to Christ and to serve God. During their summer lessons, some of the campers brought up things that have been distractions to them such as social media, peer pressure, certain tv shows and how these things have impacted their lives.


We also had a summer full of gaming. Field Day week was one of our many adventures together this summer. Our students showed that being a great team player applied across a multitude of platforms. Not only could they be great team players by spreading the gospel but they could also demonstrate this through the way they treat each other. Through Field Day week activities like Tug-of-War, Sack Races, Relay races, and Water Balloon Toss (just to name a few) our students learned team sportsmanship.


At the end of the summer, over 15 of our campers decided to dedicate their lives to Christ. It was a joyous and humbling experience to watch them volunteer to turn from ways that may have been comfortable in exchange to follow Christ. By the last day of camp, our students knew 5 things that would help them be successful this school year and through life: I am important to God, Jesus can do anything, The Bible is true, Jesus loves me, and, I can praise God no matter what!



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Kyrie’ Redding