We are a 501(c)3 tax exempt non-profit, so all donations are 100% tax deductible.
Donate Online
Online giving is a safe and easy way to invest in and grow our programs.
Scan QR code to donate via Cash App
Donate by Mail
Send a check or money order to:
Summerhill Community Ministries
PO Box 160294
Atlanta, GA 30316
Giving to a specific program or sponsorship effort? Remember to add note to your donation!
On the go? You can donate by texting "GIVE" to 678-894-1827.
Other ways to donate
Monthly Giving Program
On-going donations help our ministry go further by giving children more opportunities to succeed.
AmazonSmile is the same as Amazon - same products, same prices, same service. Learn how you can help the youth of Summerhill Community Ministries every time you shop at AmazonSmile!
Amazon donates .05% of your purchase cost to Summerhill Community Ministries.
Atlanta's inner city youth get access to essential programs.
Give the gift of Gas
Give to the gas fund
Gas card donations help families with financial hardships commute to work. Consider donating to our gas gift card fund today.
Give physical gas cards
Mail your unused gas cards to:
Summerhill Community Ministries, P.O.Box 160294, Atlanta GA 30316
Help Academic Achievement
Our youth need school supplies, including backpacks, markers, pencils, construction paper, glue, safe scissors, paint, and more.
Physical supply donations are also being accepted at the Kelly Street ministry building.
Partner With Us
Investing in today’s youth can facilitate life-changing experiences for youth in need. Work with us to sponsor some of our larger initiatives.
Volunteer for Christ
We are looking for caring volunteers that can be models of integrity, exposing our youth to positivity, love, and encouragement. Learn how you can volunteer.